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Navigating Immigration Challenges: A Guide to VAWA Petitions

Unveiling VAWA Petitions: Solutions for Immigration Dilemmas

Are you facing a daunting situation where you have an order of deportation looming over you, despite marrying a US citizen? It’s a scenario that can feel overwhelmingly hopeless, but fear not, as there’s a solution to navigate this complex terrain. As an immigration law expert, I’m here to guide you through the process step-by-step.

Understanding the VAWA Petition Process

At my law office, we often encounter individuals who find themselves in this predicament. You may have initially hoped that marriage to a US citizen or green card holder would pave the way for legalizing your status. However, sometimes marriages don’t unfold as expected. Instead of support and cooperation, you might encounter a spouse who exploits your immigration status, manipulates you, and subjects you to emotional or psychological abuse.

Empowering Through VAWA

So, what’s the way out of this seemingly hopeless situation? One avenue we explore is the filing of an I-360 VAWA petition. VAWA, which stands for Violence Against Women Act, encompasses situations where individuals have faced abuse or mistreatment in their marriages. It’s essential to gather evidence to substantiate your case, including documentation of the marriage, joint financial responsibilities, and testimony from witnesses who can attest to the abuse you’ve endured.

Moving Forward: Securing Your Future

Once your VAWA petition is approved, you’ll receive a work permit and non-deportable status, offering a significant reprieve. But our goal doesn’t stop there. We aim to go even further by reopening your deportation case and securing a green card for you.

Depending on the specifics of your case, we’ll strategize the best approach. If your last interaction with immigration authorities was in court without an appeal, the process can be relatively straightforward. We’ll communicate with ICE attorneys, presenting your case and seeking agreement to reopen proceedings. In many instances, this collaboration leads to a positive outcome, allowing us to move forward with securing your green card.

Navigating Complexities: Board of Immigration Appeals

For cases that have reached the Board of Immigration Appeals, the process may require additional steps. We’ll either engage in negotiations with ICE attorneys or submit a motion directly to the Board, advocating for the reopening of your case based on the evidence of abuse.

A Path Towards Security

Regardless of the path taken, our priority is to provide you with a sense of security and a path towards lawful status in the United States. Through VAWA petitions, deportation case reopenings, and green card applications, we offer solutions to even the most challenging immigration dilemmas.

Take Action Today

Don’t let fear hold you back. Reach out to us today to schedule a consultation and embark on your journey towards naturalization in the US. With our expertise and dedication, we’re here to navigate the complexities of immigration law and guide you towards a brighter future.

Call us today!

Shepelsky Law GroupImmigration Lawyers for all 50 states

☎: (718) 769-6352