Understanding the Agencies: ICE and ISAP Oversight of Ankle Monitors and Their Removal
Your ankle monitor is part of the Intensive Supervision Appearance Program (“ISAP”). The purpose of this program is to ensure that people appear for their court hearings. There are 2 different agencies that have control over your ankle monitor: ICE and ISAP. What surprises many people is that your Immigration Judge does not have control over removal of your ankle monitor. To initiate the process for ankle monitor ISAP removal, it’s crucial to understand the agencies involved, namely ICE and ISAP, and their respective roles in overseeing the device.
Essential Steps in Seeking Ankle Monitor ISAP Removal
Removal of your ankle bracelet will take some time. The time to remove it differs depending on your case type. You will definitely need a lawyer to remove the ankle monitor. An essential step in seeking ankle monitor ISAP removal is ensuring compliance with program guidelines, such as attending court hearings and adhering to monitoring requirements.
60 days after you begin wearing the ankle monitor, the government should review whether removal is possible. If they do not automatically review this, you can request a review through your lawyer to remove your bracelet.
Seeking Medical Documentation for Ankle Monitor ISAP Removal
Seeking medical documentation to support your request for ankle monitor ISAP removal can significantly strengthen your case. This is especially true if the device exacerbates existing health conditions. If you are pregnant or have other relevant medical conditions to the ankle monitor, ask IMMEDIATELY for removal. You do not have to wait the 60 days. You will need a doctor’s letter to be able to request removal. We recommend you hire a lawyer for this work.
Legal Assistance in Ankle Monitor ISAP Removal Process
After 60 days, your lawyer can write special letters to ICE and ISAP requesting a review of the ankle bracelet’s necessity. They will argue that you are a reliable person and will appear to your court hearings even without the ankle monitor. If faced with delays or challenges in the ankle monitor ISAP removal process, legal assistance becomes indispensable. Skilled lawyers can navigate bureaucratic hurdles and advocate effectively on your behalf.
Renewal Process and Appeals for Ankle Monitor ISAP Removal
If authorities deny the first request, you can renew it after 30 days. This will coincide with the 90-day mark from the date you received the ankle monitor. If that is denied, you can renew this request again.
You can also ask for a review of the ankle bracelet by the ICE officer’s supervisor if you and your attorney think the ICE officer made the wrong decision or is ignoring your request improperly.
What to include in your request to have the ankle monitor removed?
- Medical letters that provide proof of medical conditions adversely affected by the monitor.
- Proof you followed the ISAP rules. You never missed the check-in appointments, you were always home for home visits, and you always charged your monitor.
- You have a landline or a reliable mobile number for ICE to call you at any time.
- If you have a passport – it would help.
Persistence is key when pursuing ankle monitor ISAP removal; if initial requests are denied, exploring avenues for appeal and providing additional evidence of compliance and reliability can improve the likelihood of success.