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Trump Assassination Attempt: Impact on Presidential Chances and Immigration

It has been more than 43 years since the last assassination attempt on the president of the United States. That is, until Donald Trump faced one earlier this month. How does this impact US immigration?

Historical Context:

On March 30, 1981, President Ronald Reagan had just finished addressing labor leaders at the Washington Hilton Hotel when a shocking event unfolded. John W. Hinckley Jr., the mentally ill son of a wealthy Texas energy executive, emerged from the crowd and fired a six-shot revolver at the President.

The shooter, Hinckley, 25, was obsessed with then-child actress Jodie Foster and hoped to impress her with this violent act. His bullets struck three people, and a ricochet hit Reagan. Chaos erupted as police and Secret Service agents quickly subdued Hinckley in a frantic melee on the pavement. Reagan was rushed to the hospital and survived.

The assassination attempt greatly increased Regan’s votes in the following election.

What Happened to Donald Trump?

Former President Donald Trump is the ninth US president to be a target of an assassination attempt. Although it is uncertain that the political benefits Reagan saw after surviving his attempt will come to Trump, he will probably gain some points as below.

It has only been several days since Trump’s shooting in which he lost part of his ear, but the American public’s reaction to the assassination attempt has already led to increased sympathy and support for Trump, potentially boosting his chances of winning the presidency. Conversely, it also increased security concerns and led to more scrutiny of his policies and rhetoric. Exactly how did this affect Trump? Here are the 6 points about the change that came about after the shooting in Pennsylvania:

Political Climate:

The political climate at the time of the event played a significant role. With the country deeply divided, the incident exacerbated existing tensions. Supporters rallied around Trump, while opponents used the event to highlight issues of violence and political instability.

Media Coverage:

The way the media covered the event influenced public perception. Extensive coverage that emphasized the seriousness of the threat to Trump’s life generated sympathy, while coverage focusing on potential causes or motivations for the attack led to different interpretations.

Policy Focus:

Since immigration reform was a central part of Trump’s platform, the assassination attempt either strengthened his resolve and that of his supporters to push through reforms or distracted from policy discussions as security concerns took precedence.

Security Measures:

The assassination attempt led to increased security measures for all candidates, changing the dynamics of the campaign. It also prompted a broader discussion on political violence and safety.

Voter Mobilization:

The incident mobilized Trump’s base to turn out in greater numbers, viewing the event as an attack on their chosen leader and motivating them to ensure his victoryConversely, it also energized opposition voters alarmed by the violence.

What can we expect with US immigration as a result of this?

Many political commentators are predicting that this assassination attempt will help Trump win the 2024 election, and his anti-immigration platform will begin.  Trump has already promised to close down the borders, continue building and expanding the wall on the Southern border, create deportation camps for undocumented immigrants, and employ state and federal military to help round up the “illegals”.  It’s looking bleak and people worry. He has also promised on the campaign trail to give green cards to US graduating students. From his last term, we already know changes are coming, but it is unclear how extensive Trump’s immigration reforms will be. One thing is for sure: things will change for the worse if Trump wins the presidential election in 2024.

My advice is for anyone with a possibility of an immigration case to file it today and hire a strong and experienced immigration lawyer. Shepelsky Law Group has more than 20 years of experience legalizing immigrants in the U.S. from around the globe. Give us a call today to begin your own legalization.

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